Sunday, March 11, 2012

Film Review 4: Generation Rx

The film Generation Rx is an informative film about the result of medication and the effect they have on children in our society. According to the film the marketing of prescribed drugs had a 400% increase in mood altering. America is also the largest supplier of Ritalin and other prescribed drugs in the world. Billions of dollars were given to pharmaceutical companies to drug children. This film takes a look into how this epidemic occurred and the consequences brought on the American society.

The main argument to support the thesis of this film is that the chemicals that are in these drugs are blocking and damaging the normal functions of how the brain is suppose to work. One other point mentioned in the film was that these drugs were never meant to be for or inside children.

This film relates to the course because the class has been discussing deviant minds. In the film, deviant minds are considered the children with ADHD. In the early findings of ADHD it was not considered a disease but rather a kid being a kid. Decades later this diagnosis became common psychiatric problem among children America. Kids with “considered” disorders or behavior problems are labeled as deviant in society and are presumed not to have brighter futures.

The argument I found most convincing children and committing suicide and have violent behavior problems. Another fact that from the film was the effects in had on both children and adults. The FDA did a poor job in finding out what the causes of the effects were. In a short time of taking the drugs people would get awful thoughts and nightmares.

There was nothing I felt that was least convincing in this film. Parents have to ask themselves “Do I really need to get my child on a drug to get his/her mind functioning like other kids?” It is not only the prescribed drugs in America that is harming our society; it is also what is in our food.

I would study the FDA council and find out what is really going on. I would do this by focusing on the studies conducted, where money has gone, and how and why these drugs are still being prescribed. The end result would need to indictments and prison sentences. There is no excuse for drugs to be placed on shelves or behind counters without clear and sufficient studies on the effects they have. This is big business created by the “elite” above government to defuse and betray the American people.